Lamp Intro Effect for Tumblr!

With this code,your tumblr blog will have a charming effect!

How to add this html code to tumblr?

1- Go customize -> themes -> use custom HTML (on the bottom)

2- Once you have the html code open in tumblr hit CTRL + F. This should bring up a search option. Then type in </body>. Paste your code directly infront of the </body> tag. Have fun!
Click For The Preview
<! lamp effect start-->
<!DOCTYPE HTML><style type="text/css">div.tht-position{position:fixed;z-index:6010;}div.tht-s-e{top:72px;right:0px;}</style><style type="text/css">div.tht-position{_position:absolute;}div.tht-s-e{_bottom:auto;_top:expression(ie6=(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight - 52+"px") );}</style><div class="tht-position tht-s-e"><a id="lambakapali"  onclick="document.getElementById('lambaacik').style.display='block';document.getElementById('lambakapali').style.display='none';document.getElementById('gölgem').style.display='none';" style="margin:0px !important;padding:0px !important;border:none !important;background-color:transparent !important;cursor:pointer;"  title="Lambayı Aç"><img  style="margin:0px !important;padding:0px !important;border:none !important;background-color:transparent !important;"  src="" border="0"></a><Script Language='Javascript'>
</Script></div><style type="text/css">div.gtg-position{position:fixed;text-align:center;z-index:6008;background-color:black;opacity:0.98;
filter:alpha(opacity=98);width:100%;height:100%;}div.gtg-s-e{top:0px;right:0px;padding-top:20%;}</style><style type="text/css">div.gtg-position{_position:absolute;}div.gtg-s-e{_bottom:auto;_top:expression(ie6=(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight - 52+"px") );}</style><div id="gölgem" class="gtg-position gtg-s-e"><a style="opacity:1;
filter:alpha(opacity=100);color:#777;font-size:26px;margin:0px;padding:0px;background-color:transparent;border:none;text-decoration:none;font-weight:normal;">Can you turn on the light, <br/> please?</a>
<! lamp effect stop-->
Add This Code Snippet To Your Blogger Blog

This Week

Yo guys! We have a brand new theme now. Refresh the page, come on, you gonna see how the color theme is changing.

If you are new to this website, you were probably visiting a tumblr web page and you just wanted to see that shadowed screen again, or maybe you didn't like what you saw when you have turned the lights on.

We have a contact form below. We read every message and reply all of them in a few hours. Yes, we feel lonely.

If you have any questions, like, anything(except "do you wanna build a snowman" because it's not funny anymore):

Contact us!

See ya!

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